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  Helping the Group

We want to bring in people who are interested in vintage buses and want to help conserve our heritage. For that reason, MDOG has established a support group which brings together those people who do not own a bus, or are not vehicle custodians, but who wish to support MDOG’s aims and wish to help maintain the depot.

We are open about the fact that the support group provides a valuable source of funding and important resources such as skills and labour. We welcome new members!

Examples of the help that the support group provide are:
  Skilled help with vehicle maintenance, such as mechanical and bodywork repairs
  Driving (PCV-licensed drivers for free bus services)
  Various skills for work around the Depot such as carpentry, brick-laying and painting
  Generally, to help the Group provide buses for events, such as the Watercress Line’s Alton Bus Rally, by assisting with vehicle preparation and running and manning exhibition displays.

If you would like to join MDOG, then please either E-mail to this address: treasurer@mdog.org.uk - or write to the MDOG membership Secretary, c/o Hampshire House, 204, Holly Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4SE.

If you decide to join MDOG, then the annual subscription is £12 per year, in return for which supporters receive a quarterly Newsletter. We also organise visits to places of transport interest from time to time.

Members' Area

If you are a member of MDOG then you can access the electronic version of our Newsletter, see minutes form our Annual General Meetings and obtain copies of letters and information notes which we have circulated. Click here for the members' area

Forgotten password? Please contact the Hon.Secretary at: secretary@mdog.org.uk


(C) Copyright Medstead Depot Omnibus Group (part of the Working Omnibus Museum Project Limited)

Company Registered in England No. 02768057.  Registered Charity No. 1020411